How can I add ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ to my SQL query?
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How can I add ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ to my SQL query?

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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need to filter out records in your database that don’t have a matching record in another table? Maybe you’re trying to find all customers who don’t have an associated order, or all products that don’t have a review. Whatever the case, you’re in luck because today we’re going to dive into the world of SQL and explore how to add ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ to your queries.

What is the ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ clause?

In SQL, the ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ clause is used to select records from a table where there are no matching records in another table. It’s often used in conjunction with the ‘NOT EXISTS’ or ‘NOT IN’ clauses to achieve the desired result. Think of it like a filter that says “only show me the records that don’t have a matching record in this other table.”

When to use ‘DOES NOT EXIST’

Here are some scenarios where you might want to use the ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ clause:

  • Finding customers who don’t have an associated order
  • Identifying products that don’t have a review
  • Locating employees who don’t have a manager
  • Determining which orders don’t have a shipping address

Syntax and Examples

The basic syntax for using the ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ clause is as follows:

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
  SELECT column_name
  FROM another_table_name
  WHERE condition

Let’s break this down:

  • SELECT column_name(s): This is the column(s) you want to select from the main table.
  • FROM table_name: This is the main table you’re selecting from.
  • WHERE NOT EXISTS: This is the clause that filters out records that have a matching record in another table.
  • SELECT column_name: This is the column you’re selecting from the second table.
  • FROM another_table_name: This is the second table you’re checking for matching records.
  • WHERE condition: This is the condition that must be met for a record to be considered a match.

Example 1: Finding customers who don’t have an associated order

Let’s say we have two tables: Customers and Orders. We want to find all customers who don’t have an associated order.

SELECT CustomerID, CustomerName
FROM Customers
  FROM Orders
  WHERE Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID

Example 2: Identifying products that don’t have a review

Let’s say we have two tables: Products and Reviews. We want to find all products that don’t have a review.

SELECT ProductID, ProductName
FROM Products
  FROM Reviews
  WHERE Reviews.ProductID = Products.ProductID

Alternative Methods

While the ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ clause is a powerful tool, it’s not the only way to achieve the desired result. Here are some alternative methods:

Using ‘NOT IN’

The ‘NOT IN’ clause can be used to achieve similar results to the ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ clause. However, it’s often less efficient, especially for large datasets.

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name NOT IN (
  SELECT column_name
  FROM another_table_name


A ‘LEFT JOIN’ can be used to combine two tables and filter out records that don’t have a matching record in the second table.

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
LEFT JOIN another_table_name
ON table_name.column_name = another_table_name.column_name
WHERE another_table_name.column_name IS NULL;

Best Practices

When using the ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ clause, there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use indexes on the columns used in the subquery to improve performance.
  • Avoid using the ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ clause on large datasets, as it can be resource-intensive.
  • Use the ‘EXISTS’ clause instead of ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ when possible, as it’s often more efficient.
  • Consider using alternative methods, such as ‘NOT IN’ or ‘LEFT JOIN’, depending on the specific use case.


In conclusion, the ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ clause is a powerful tool in SQL that allows you to filter out records that don’t have a matching record in another table. By following the syntax and examples outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this essential skill. Remember to use it wisely, and don’t be afraid to explore alternative methods to achieve the desired result.

Clause Syntax Description
NOT EXISTS WHERE NOT EXISTS (subquery) Returns records from the main table where there are no matching records in the subquery.
NOT IN WHERE column_name NOT IN (subquery) Returns records from the main table where the column value is not in the subquery results.
LEFT JOIN FROM table_name LEFT JOIN another_table_name Returns all records from the main table, and the matched records from the second table. If there are no matches, the result is NULL.

I hope this article has been helpful in your journey to mastering SQL. Remember to practice, practice, practice, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Happy querying!

Frequently Asked Question

SQL queries got you down? Don’t worry, we’ve got the answers!

How do I add ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ to my SQL query if I want to return all rows from one table where there is no matching row in another table?

You can use a `LEFT JOIN` with a `WHERE` clause to filter out the rows that have a match. For example: `SELECT * FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON = WHERE IS NULL`. This will return all rows from `table1` where there is no matching row in `table2`.

Can I use ‘NOT IN’ instead of ‘LEFT JOIN’ to achieve the same result?

Yes, you can use `NOT IN` instead of `LEFT JOIN`. For example: `SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM table2)`. This will return all rows from `table1` where the `id` is not present in `table2`. However, be careful with `NOT IN` as it can be slow for large datasets.

What if I want to check if a subquery returns no rows?

You can use `NOT EXISTS` to check if a subquery returns no rows. For example: `SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM table2 WHERE =`. This will return all rows from `table1` where there is no matching row in `table2`.

How do I add ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ to my SQL query if I want to return all rows from one table where there is a matching row in another table, but with a specific condition?

You can use a `NOT EXISTS` clause with a subquery that filters the results based on the specific condition. For example: `SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM table2 WHERE = AND table2.status = ‘active’)`. This will return all rows from `table1` where there is no matching row in `table2` with an `active` status.

Can I use ‘DOES NOT EXIST’ with other types of joins, such as INNER JOIN or RIGHT JOIN?

While `DOES NOT EXIST` is often used with `LEFT JOIN`, you can also use it with other types of joins, such as `INNER JOIN` or `RIGHT JOIN`. However, the logic and syntax will vary depending on the type of join and the specific use case. For example, `INNER JOIN` with `NOT EXISTS` can be used to find rows that do not have a match in another table.