Socks5 Proxy not working with Titanium.Web.Proxy library? We’ve Got You Covered!
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Socks5 Proxy not working with Titanium.Web.Proxy library? We’ve Got You Covered!

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky proxy issues while trying to scrape data or access geo-restricted content using the Titanium.Web.Proxy library? You’re in luck because we’re about to dive into the world of Socks5 proxies and troubleshoot why they might not be working with your beloved Titanium library.

The Basics: What is a Socks5 Proxy?

Before we dive into the troubleshooting process, let’s take a step back and understand what a Socks5 proxy is. A Socks5 proxy is a type of proxy server that uses the SOCKS protocol to route internet traffic through a proxy server. This allows you to mask your IP address and access content that might be blocked in your region.

Socks5 proxies are commonly used for scraping data, accessing geo-restricted content, and even for bypassing firewalls. They’re a powerful tool in the right hands, but when things go wrong, they can be a real pain to troubleshoot.

The Issue: Socks5 Proxy not working with Titanium.Web.Proxy library

So, you’ve set up your Socks5 proxy, and you’re trying to use it with the Titanium.Web.Proxy library, but for some reason, it’s just not working. You’re not getting the expected results, and you’re starting to pull your hair out.

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. The good news is that we’re about to walk you through a series of steps to troubleshoot and fix the issue.

Step 1: Check Your Proxy Credentials

The first step in troubleshooting is to check your proxy credentials. Make sure you have the correct username, password, and proxy address.

Here’s an example of what your proxy credentials might look like:

Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 1080
Username: myusername
Password: mypassword

Double-check that you’re using the correct credentials and that they’re not expired.

Step 2: Verify Your Proxy Connection

The next step is to verify that your proxy connection is working correctly. You can use tools like `curl` or `wget` to test your proxy connection.

Here’s an example of how you might use `curl` to test your proxy connection:

curl -v -x socks5://

If your proxy connection is working correctly, you should see the HTML response from the website. If not, you might need to check your proxy credentials or contact your proxy provider for assistance.

Step 3: Check Your Titanium.Web.Proxy Library Configuration

Now that we’ve verified our proxy connection, let’s take a look at our Titanium.Web.Proxy library configuration.

Here’s an example of how you might configure the Titanium.Web.Proxy library to use a Socks5 proxy:

var proxy = new Titanium.Web.Proxy({
  host: '',
  port: 1080,
  username: 'myusername',
  password: 'mypassword',
  type: Titanium.Web.Proxy.TYPE_SOCKS5

var client = new Titanium.Web.Client(proxy);

Make sure you’re using the correct proxy type (Socks5) and that your credentials are correct.

Step 4: Check for Firewall or Antivirus Interference

Sometimes, firewalls or antivirus software can interfere with your proxy connection. Make sure that your firewall or antivirus software is not blocking your proxy connection.

Here’s a list of common firewall and antivirus software that might interfere with your proxy connection:

  • Windows Defender
  • McAfee Antivirus
  • Norton Antivirus
  • Kaspersky Antivirus

If you’re using any of these software, try disabling them temporarily to see if it resolves the issue.

Step 5: Check for DNS Issues

DNS issues can also cause problems with your proxy connection. Make sure that your DNS settings are correct and that you’re not using a DNS service that’s blocking your proxy connection.

Here’s a list of common DNS services that might cause issues with your proxy connection:

  • Google Public DNS
  • Cloudflare DNS
  • OpenDNS

If you’re using any of these services, try switching to a different DNS service or using your ISP’s default DNS settings.

Step 6: Check for Proxy Rotation Issues

If you’re using a rotating proxy service, make sure that the proxy rotation is working correctly. Some rotating proxy services might have issues with the Titanium.Web.Proxy library.

Here’s an example of how you might need to configure your rotating proxy service:

var proxy = new Titanium.Web.Proxy({
  host: '',
  port: 1080,
  username: 'myusername',
  password: 'mypassword',
  type: Titanium.Web.Proxy.TYPE_SOCKS5,
  rotate: true

var client = new Titanium.Web.Client(proxy);

Make sure you’re using the correct rotate settings and that the proxy rotation is working correctly.


Troubleshooting a Socks5 proxy issue with the Titanium.Web.Proxy library can be a challenge, but by following these steps, you should be able to identify and fix the issue.

Remember to check your proxy credentials, verify your proxy connection, check your Titanium.Web.Proxy library configuration, check for firewall or antivirus interference, check for DNS issues, and check for proxy rotation issues.

With these steps, you should be able to get your Socks5 proxy working correctly with the Titanium.Web.Proxy library.

Troubleshooting Step Description
Step 1: Check Proxy Credentials Verify that your proxy credentials are correct and not expired.
Step 2: Verify Proxy Connection Use tools like `curl` or `wget` to test your proxy connection.
Step 3: Check Titanium.Web.Proxy Library Configuration Verify that your Titanium.Web.Proxy library configuration is correct.
Step 4: Check for Firewall or Antivirus Interference Disable firewall or antivirus software to see if it resolves the issue.
Step 5: Check for DNS Issues Verify that your DNS settings are correct and not blocking your proxy connection.
Step 6: Check for Proxy Rotation Issues Verify that your rotating proxy service is working correctly.

We hope this article has been helpful in troubleshooting your Socks5 proxy issue with the Titanium.Web.Proxy library. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with Titanium.Web.Proxy library and Socks5 Proxy? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to get you back on track.

Why is my Socks5 Proxy not working with Titanium.Web.Proxy library?

Double-check your proxy settings! Make sure you’re using the correct format, i.e., “socks5://username:password@host:port”. Also, ensure that your proxy server is properly configured and working.

Can I use a Socks5 Proxy with authentication using Titanium.Web.Proxy library?

Yes, you can! Titanium.Web.Proxy library supports Socks5 Proxy with authentication. Just provide the correct authentication credentials in the proxy URL, and you’re good to go!

What are the supported Socks5 Proxy versions for Titanium.Web.Proxy library?

Titanium.Web.Proxy library supports Socks5 Proxy versions 5 and 5.1.

How do I troubleshoot Socks5 Proxy issues with Titanium.Web.Proxy library?

Enable debug logging and check the log files for any error messages related to the proxy connection. You can also use tools like Wireshark to inspect the network traffic and identify any issues.

Are there any known limitations or restrictions for using Socks5 Proxy with Titanium.Web.Proxy library?

Yes, there are some limitations. For example, some proxy servers might not support certain types of traffic, such as UDP or ICMP. Be sure to check your proxy server’s documentation for any specific restrictions.