Delete 100 Files at Same Time Using Google Drive API Credentials in Python
Image by Amerey -

Delete 100 Files at Same Time Using Google Drive API Credentials in Python

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Google Drive API allows developers to access and manage files stored on Google Drive. One of the common tasks is to delete multiple files at once. In this article, we will show you how to delete 100 files simultaneously using Google Drive API credentials in Python.


  • Google Drive API enabled on Google Cloud Console
  • Python 3 installed on your system
  • Google Drive API credentials (OAuth 2.0 client ID and client secret)
  • Google API Client Library for Python installed (using pip: `pip install google-api-python-client`)

Step 1: Set up Google Drive API Credentials

Create a project on Google Cloud Console and enable the Google Drive API. Create credentials for OAuth 2.0 client ID and download the JSON key file. Save the file as `credentials.json` in your working directory.

Step 2: Install Required Libraries

Install the Google API Client Library for Python using pip:

pip install google-api-python-client

Step 3: Authenticate with Google Drive API

Use the following code to authenticate with Google Drive API using the credentials:

import os
import json
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from googleapiclient.discovery import build

# Load credentials from JSON key file
creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file('credentials.json')

# Create the Google Drive API client
drive_service = build('drive', 'v3', credentials=creds)

Step 4: Delete 100 Files at Once

Use the following code to delete 100 files at once:

file_ids = [...]  # list of 100 file IDs to delete

batch = drive_service.new_batch_http_request()

for file_id in file_ids:


Note: Replace `file_ids` with the list of file IDs you want to delete.


In this article, we showed you how to delete 100 files at once using Google Drive API credentials in Python. By following these steps, you can easily manage and delete large numbers of files on Google Drive programmatically.

Remember to handle errors and exceptions properly and to test your code before running it in production.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Delete 100 files at the same time using Google Drive API Credentials in Python”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to tackle the most common queries about deleting multiple files using Google Drive API Credentials in Python!

Q1: What is the maximum number of files I can delete at once using Google Drive API?

A1: The Google Drive API allows you to delete up to 100 files in a single batch request. You can use the `batch` endpoint to delete multiple files at once.

Q2: How do I authenticate my Python script to use Google Drive API credentials?

A2: You can authenticate your Python script using the OAuth 2.0 client ID and client secret, which can be obtained from the Google Cloud Console. You can use the `google-auth` and `google-api-python-client` libraries to handle the authentication process.

Q3: What is the Python code to delete 100 files at once using Google Drive API?

A3: Here’s an example Python code snippet:
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError

# Authenticate using OAuth 2.0
creds, project = google.auth.default(scopes=[‘’])

# Create the Drive API client
drive_service = build(‘drive’, ‘v3’, credentials=creds)

# List the files to delete
files_to_delete = drive_service.files().list(q=”‘root’ in parents”).execute()

# Create a batch request to delete the files
batch_request = drive_service.new_batch_http_request()

for file in files_to_delete[‘files’][:100]:

# Execute the batch request
batch_response = batch_request.execute()

Q4: How do I handle errors when deleting multiple files using Google Drive API?

A4: When deleting multiple files using the Google Drive API, you should handle errors by wrapping your code in a `try-except` block and catching `HttpError` exceptions. You can also use the `batch_response` to check for errors and retry failed requests.

Q5: Are there any limitations or quotas on deleting files using Google Drive API?

A5: Yes, there are limits and quotas on deleting files using the Google Drive API. You can delete up to 100 files per second, and a maximum of 100,000 files per day. Additionally, there may be quotas on the number of requests you can make per day, depending on your Google Cloud project’s settings.